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About Davis Elementary



Davis Elementary, located in northwest Austin, Texas, is a dynamic school that has accomplished much in its brief history. Davis was built in 1992 and is named for Will Davis, an Austin attorney who was a strong advocate for public education and served as Austin ISD School Board President, Austin Community College Board President, and President of the Texas Association of School Boards.

The Davis Motto: Exploring New Frontiers

The Davis motto, Exploring New Frontiers, is embraced by all in the school community. Innovative, student-centered instructional practices are the norm at Davis, resulting in high levels of student engagement and achievement. The focus of student learning includes not only mastery of the state standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), but also development of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies and many other skills. In addition, Davis students benefit from arts integration and creative learning activities through our designation as a Creative Learning Initiative (CLI) campus. Students develop global perspectives through the One World Schools Anderson vertical team signature program, which includes Foreign Language Experience (FLEX) classes for students.


The Davis Way

The Davis Way is the foundation of our school culture. It includes our Habits of Character and Graduate Profile Habits of Scholarship.

  • Habits of Character: Kindness, Responsibility, Empathy, Perseverance, Curiosity
  • Habits of Scholarship: Knowledgeable, Critical Thinker & Problem Solver, Reflective & Compassionate, Creator & Innovator, Culturally Competent Citizen

The Davis Way provides a framework for ensuring a safe, inclusive, and rigorous learning environment.  All Davis staff model The Davis Way. 

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Teachers integrate SEL throughout the day, recognizing successes and supporting students as they work through challenges. Through activities such as daily morning meeting in each classroom, teachers and students work together to build community and create a positive classroom climate for all. Mindfulness activities are also incorporated in the classroom as a way to support SEL skills. The Second Step SEL curriculum resource is used school wide, with teachers implementing SEL lessons that focus on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, executive function, and responsible decision-making. 


Davis provides opportunities for students to develop ‘power’ skills through a variety of programs and instructional approaches. Power skills include creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, just to name a few. Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL) presents students with voice and choice in their learning as they learn content and formulate solutions in response to a driving question. Students progress through activities and projects to learn and apply content, then create a solution to solve a real-world problem through the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Launch program. As students are presented with design challenges, they use the high-tech and low-tech materials in our campus Makerspace to work through the engineering design process and create a product that will meet the challenge criteria.


Our school is a close, caring school community, where partnering with parents and family engagement are highly valued. Parents are encouraged to be involved in their child’s education through ongoing communication and collaboration with the classroom teachers, counselor, and administrators, as well as through participation in school and classroom volunteer opportunities. Davis holds many special events throughout the year, including Family Fitness Night, Monster Mash, Jog Around the World Turkey Trot, Family Culture Fair, MARE and Ocean Olympics, just to name a few. With a combination of family events outside the school day and student events within the school day, parents have many options for attending and supporting these special events. Davis is fortunate to have an active PTA, which provides volunteer support and funding for various school programs and initiatives, and coordinates community building and fundraising events over the course of the year.

The pride adults take in Davis is important, but the ultimate test is how children view their school. At Davis, children are excited and engaged learners who look forward to what each day may bring as they are learning and Exploring New Frontiers.


Please take time to explore our new district-managed Davis Elementary School website to learn more about what makes Davis such a special place for children and families.

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