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Volunteer at Davis Elementary

Volunteering is a fantastic way to meet other parents, get to know your child’s teacher, see your child at school, and meet new friends. You can enrich our school community by sharing your time, skills, and interests. Here are some ways you can volunteer:


Classroom Opportunities: Speak with your child's teacher to learn how she/he needs help or become a room parent. Or email our Room Parent Coordinators at roomparents@davisdolphins.org 


One-time Opportunities: Volunteer to help with annual events like Dolphin Fest, Book Fair, Reflections Art Program, Science Fair, and the Big-To-Do.  You can sign up here: Davis Volunteer Opportunities form.  


On-going Opportunities: Interested in getting more involved in the PTA? We have a variety of different positions and programs. Check them out here: Davis Volunteer Opportunities form, or contact Trisha Choe, Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@davisdolphins.org.



ALL volunteers must complete the VOLY registration process before volunteering for anything on campus, class field trips, etc.  Visit austinisd.voly.org to begin the volunteer registration process. 

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